Pension, Retirement & Health Plans
The Halifax Employers Association offers comprehensive pension, retirement, and health plans to support the financial and healthcare needs of its employees. These benefits are designed to provide long-term security and well-being for members, ensuring a stable future and peace of mind.
Pension Plan
The Board of Trustees (Board) is pleased to provide you with your pension plan booklet. This booklet describes key terms of the Halifax Port I.L.A./H.E.A. Pension Plan (Plan). The Plan was established to provide retirement income to eligible members of the International Longshoremen’s Association employed in the longshoring industry in the Port of Halifax, Autoport and Shearwater, and their eligible survivors and beneficiaries.
Benefits Plan
The Board of Trustees is pleased to provide you with your benefits booklet. It describes the Halifax Port I.L.A./H.E.A. Health, Welfare & Wellness Benefits Plan (Plan). The Plan was established to provide benefits to eligible union members of the International Longshoremen’s Association employed in the longshoring industry in the Port of Halifax, Autoport and Shearwater, and their eligible dependent.